Who am i?

Who am i?

This question somehow pops up in January, the first month of the year.

It is pretty amazing to be born into this world. From practically no thing to some thing. Grows and knows when to stop growing. From crawling to falling, from walking to running. Within an all intelligent sophisticated body.

Is there some kind of purpose? You may wonder.  Surely life must be more than just study, work and what have you. But then, one may be more occupied over daily challenges then to find time finding self.

Very soon, before we realise, we may find ourselves nearer to the end point than the start point. It is never too late to begin our self-discovery journey. Tune inwards. That's where our true essence lies. But how to?

Try to find a time where you will not be disturbed for say, 10 to 20 minutes. A quiet and preferably cosy place. Sit comfortably. Gently close your eyes and relax, from head to toe. Extend this state of being to every single cell. Thoughts will come. Do not resist. Observe, then let go. Feel and sense. Do not chase any outcome. Just sit still and let it be.

You may feel uneasy and find it unbearable. Stay put. Take a deep breath and hang on...for a while. Repeat as often as you need. When you are done, give yourself a pat on the shoulder... you are one step closer to knowing who you are.

Continue your practice...daily. You can extend the duration and also try to experiment with various ways to connect with your inner self. With discipline and perseverance, you will surely find clarity.

I thank the Universe for penning the above through me. And I thank the Universe for bringing you here.

I wish you love.


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