Planning an escape

Have you ever been in a relationship where you don't feel yourself.  Have you ever even just felt like you weren't worth anything. Have you felt like you are a prisoner. Relationships can be hard at times but shouldn't be all the time. Mental abuse is a real thing. Mental abuse can destroy a person's self esteem in no time. The person may feel worthless and feel as if they have no reason to live. Mental abuse can drive a person to wanting to end their life to escape from the torture.

In a relationship each person should be able to come and go as they please with friends, family or who they deem fit. When your in a relationship where you have no freedom you get so depressed you feel like your dying slowly inside. You are not alone if your going through this there are 1,000s of women who experience this throughout their life. 

I'm here to help and give you some helpful information.  First if your being abused mentally or physically or even just feeling prisoner here is ways to get away

Reach out to your domestic violence hotline for help. Call shelters to see if they have room. Always keep a charged phone hidden. Take anything important a little at a time and pack it in purses or small bags that maybe you can have a friend pick up out by the road when you set trash out and just tell them what it's in. Try to get alone if you can and while their gone get out or while their sleeping. Make sure you car is full of fuel and you have emergency contacts and shut off all location settings on all devices. Go straight to the police or local ymca and get an emergency ppo order. 

I pray women out there take my advice cause we need to stick together. We need to make a change instead of hearing or seeing women killed or beat we need to hear success stories of escaping and the abuser locked away. 

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