Money and Reality




The reason money works is that we concur by consensus that $100 has a particular value. If we all concurred that money was useless, it would have no value whatsoever.


Do It Right


As it's a social resource, revenue isn't a perfect monetary system. The value of anything, including cash itself, is ascertained by social consensus. That might be the agreement of only 2 individuals, like when you purchase an item from another individual. Or it might be the consensus of a big group, like when you purchase or trade stock in public companies.


While there are grave consequences to doing so, you're free to opt out of the social agreement of money. Most individuals would find that completely impractical, but the choice is available. But, if you still wish to capitalize on social resources, you'll have to produce your own social contracts on an individual basis. This may include barter or additional forms of exchange, or it may involve leveraging relationships to cope with your social needs.


For many of us, the social agreement of money is far too advantageous to brush aside. While the medium of exchange sure isn't perfect, it's more efficient than the options. By allotting a monetary value to our social exchanges and by making it simple to transfer cash from one individual to another, trades may be executed with relative ease.


Purchasing groceries, working on a career, or connecting to the Net are all illustrations of social trades, and by consensus all of them are reducible to money. Even cash itself may be assigned a price, as anybody in debt may readily certify. Cash is essentially social credit. The more cash you have, the more society owes you, and the more value you may extract.


Let's now think about the reality about what it means to bring in money.


As money is a social resource, bringing in money means gaining more of that resource. When you spend, you turn cash to value; but when you earn, you convert value to cash.


One way to bring in cash is to sell possessions.


A different choice is to acquire items at one price and swing about and sell them for more than your expenditures. Companies turn up resources all over the earth and sell them for money. For people, this approach may take the form of purchasing objects, stocks, or bonds at one price and selling them at a greater price.


Possibly the most common way to bring in cash is to sell your time. Acquire a job and swap hours for dollars. The better your ability to deliver social value with your labors, the better your earning potential gets. The difference between bringing in $25 per hour against $250 per hour is that the latter work has much better social value. This isn't anybody’s fault; the difference is due to the social consensus regarding the value of particular work.


Naturally, a final alternative for making cash is to steal it. Historically, this has been a popular choice, but I won't give it serious consideration here. Until now, this is truly just good sense, but it's astonishing how easy it is to lose sight of the simple reality that cash is a human invention to ease the exchange of value. To banish money as something harmful or unneeded is a huge error. When decently aligned with reality, affection, and might, it becomes a useful tool of conscious living-one that's too crucial to ignore. If you wish to live consciously, you must learn to utilize cash intelligently.

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