Keep your kids safe with these 3 must-have online safety tips

Keep your kids safe with these 3 must-have online safety tips


1. Use Kid-Safe Browser

Common browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome offer extensions that make the Internet more accessible to everyone, but they still target older users. If your child is just starting to use the computer, consider installing a user-friendly browser. These special browsers and search tools will filter results intended for adults, thereby promoting a safer Internet environment. They are not completely foolproof, but they are a useful alternative especially for children.

Many sites have child versions with some features locked or unavailable. YouTube, for example, has YouTube Kids, which prevents speech and does not display age-restricted content. If your kids have favorite sites, see if they offer kids, toddler, or family styles.


2. Do not expose anywhere

Many apps and websites show a small pop-up when you first use them asking for your location. It can be awkward, especially when you're feeding or checking the weather, but that's another personal message. Explain to your children that they should always opt out or block for their own safety. If an address or zip code is very important to register, ask them to talk to you first. You can decide together whether this is the right site or app for them.

Along the same lines, remind them not to reveal their online location to anyone who asks for it. Even revealing their living conditions can put your child at risk. The most they can do is reveal their country, which is required by many sites and games. Use the best judgment for each situation.



3. Do not disclose personal information

It's an oft-repeated internet safety tip, but it got that name for good reason. All you need is a photo and a first name to find someone. Remind your children of their lesson about stranger danger. Just as they shouldn't give out their identity in real life, they shouldn't leave it online. Encourage them to come up with a nickname or nickname to use when online. You can also prevent them from uploading their own photos and videos.

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