6 Rules to Choose the Best Place for the First Date

6 Rules to Choose the Best Place for the First Date


Let's assume for a minute that you have met a

great girl and that you want more than a one-

night-stand. You want to have a good time with

her because you want to develop a long-term



I believe that there isn't a perfect general

the place for all first dates, just the ideal place

for you and your future date. One where you have

been with your ex-date and it was great, could be

a wrong choice for your date with another girl.


Make sure your first date will be a success

choosing the right place. There are some rules

and criteria that will help you to make the best



1. For your first meeting, you suggest

that you only make it brief but fun, inexpensive, and relaxing.


2. Chose the place for the first date according

your date's age and lifestyle. Maybe you don't

know too much about the women you are going to

ask for a date, but you can make a clue about her,

 looking to how she is dressing and watching the

type of people she is hanging around.


3. Particularly on a first date, you may wish to

leave early, or so may they go. An exit plan for

Both guys and girls are always helpful.


4. Dates that will make you interact with the

other person and share your interests will teach you more about them and show

how compatible you are. Sporting events,

concerts, and picnics are great places for first

dates. You can talk, and being outside,

Everything feels less claustrophobic. It's easy

and relaxed, and clothing usually isn't a problem


 5. It makes a difference if you can find

something that she will remember for a long time.

If in your area is an event like a circus, carnival,

 festival, don't miss it and you two will have

more fun than at a coffee place, that's for sure.

There wouldn't be any pressure; you'll only have

to enjoy the company.


6. If you are dating late in the evening, make

sure that you walk in places where your date is

feeling safe. Don't forget that she does not know

you very well, and being alone with you in a not public area can make her feel insecure. It

is normal!


By being unique and creative, you'll stand out

among the other guys, she's dated, and she will

want to be with you again.

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