What is Terminalia bellirica; Uses Terminalia Bellirica

What is Terminalia bellirica;  Terminalia Belliric

a is used medicinally


  Terminalia Bellirica

  Terminalia behada, Belaric or Bastard Myrobalan (borrowed from the Central Persian Ballag) is a large deciduous tree of the Persian Combretaceae family.  It is common in the plains and low hills of South and Southeast Asia, where it grows as an avenue tree.  The basic name is Myrobalanus Bellirika Gertn.  (Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 90, t. 97. 1791).  William Roxburgh m.  Bellarica renamed the terminal "T. bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb".  This misspelling is now widely used, causing confusion.  Proper name Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.


  The leaves are about 15 cm long and densely branched at the ends of the branches.  It is considered as good fodder for cattle.  Terminalia bellirica seeds contain 40% oil, and its fatty-acid methyl ester meets all major biodiesel requirements in the US (ASTM D 6751-02, ASTM PS 121-99), and Germany (DIN V 51606) (EN 14214).  [6] The seeds are called bed nuts.


  The Lodha people of the Indian subcontinent eat kernels for their mind-altering gains.


    The nuts are rounded but have five flat sides.  It seems to have been used as the 34th parody in the epic Mahabharata and verse 10 of the Rig Veda.  A handful of nuts will be placed on the gaming board, and players will have to call to see if they have thrown a single or double nut.  In Nala, King Rituparna shows the ability to instantly count large numbers by counting the number of nuts on the entire branch of a tree.


  Medicinal uses:

  In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Belerik is known as "Bibitaki" (Marathi: "Behada or Bhenda") (Terminalia Bellirica).  Its effect is used in the famous Indian herbal chemotherapy triphala.  In Sanskrit it is called Bibhitaka Bibhitak.  In India, Neemuch;  A town in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh, the skinless Baheda, t.  It is a major trading center for the whole fruit of Bellirika.  Fruits widely collected in forests of Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh.  [Citation needed]


    Demok, Warden, Hooper: According to the Pharmacography Indica (1890): "In Sanskrit fear and dread (fearlessness) this tree is avoided by the Hindus of northern India because they are thought to be inhabited by demons. They do not sit in its shade.  (Beleric Myrobalan) is considered and recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners for its rheumatic and nutritional value, and the tree bears the Sanskrit synonym for anila-olfactory or "killing the wind" due to its medicinal properties. According to the dictionary, kernels are medicines.


  In the ancient Ayurvedic textbook Charaka Samhita, it is mentioned that the effect of terror is beneficial in curing diseases and giving longevity, intelligence and strength.  Many of the "chemicals" described in the Commodity Code are used as bybit.


    Description of the fourth Amalaka chemical, which is one of the fruits of Bibitaki:


    Through this treatment the sages regained their youth, attained a disease-free life of hundreds of years and practiced asceticism with their physical, intellect and senses.

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