The Devils Minions :Infamy & Posterity

Many people think of the Devil or evil as either a midieval or a metaphysical concept,But evil & bad have always "lurked" within humanity,Sometimes by nature,sometimes by pure madness,on occasion by greed & avarice In this article, we attempt to show some of the more vile people in human history,who  went to the worst extremes & excesses & who could be called "The Devils Minions"..They only ever behave like this,because people tacitly let them.Let us hope,we all have learned enough to stop such henious crimes,now & in the future.Evil evil stopped..


Variously called ""Little Boot" Caligula)as a boy (He stayed close to his father) Or later As the "Sun God" as in his omnipotant madness,he considered himself a "God" The facts are debatable & obscure,But history dwells much on his excesses,which were many.He had people killed on a whim,& once had a scction of the crown,at the Coliseum thrown into the arena,to feed the wild beasts..History makes much of making his favorite horse a "Per-Consul" buti in fact,it was one of the "milder" acts of his reign..The sexual sadistic side of his nature were given full vent,against family,friends & enemies alike..An attempt to poision him,& subsequent recovery,may have turned him.mad..Either way,he was a "Devils Minion"  The ages record his shocking ways,..He was assassinated  by multipule stabbing,by members of the Praetorian Guard having almost "Wrote The Book" as a template for cruelty & excess of most kinds..

Tamarlane (Timur The Lame)

Tamerlame   allegrdly married a direct decendant of Genghis Khan & through his father a distant relation of  The Khan,he claimed to be the natural "Heir" to all of Temujins conquests,He claimed Islam as his religon,yet he inflicted barbarity on both Sunni & Shia,on occasion,hardly the actions of a benevolent Lord!

Acclaimed by many as one of history greatest military stratagists,none the less his cruelty as the stuff of Legend..One of the first,to use "terror" as a weapon (Just like Genghis Kahn) his normal "modus operandi" would be to take a city,butcher & behead the inhabitants(All except the artisans,(whom he had a "soft spot" for) pile the heads high in the street,or marketplace & leave them there as a warning..No mercy,even he had promised it on  condition of surrender..A true "Devils Minion"

Vlad The Impaler (Dracula)

So much has been fictionslised about Dracula,mainly derived fellow countryman Bram Stokers novel,That today,many think of a bloodsucking vampire! The truth is much more vile than any fictional "monster" could  attain..

Prince "Vlad" Dracul"(Order Of the Dragon) was a minor Prince of the province of Wallachia in modern day Romania,Like Ivan The Terrible whom we shall discuss later,)Love & loss of a woman drive him (& Ivan) both crazy.

The Sultan Of Turkey invaded Wallachia

with a huge military force,due to unpaid tribute,Dracula,with just a small force of 20000 men defeated this vast army..and to ok complete control of the region.From here the cruel excess began.Vlad likes nothing better than to "impale" his enemies (& some of his subjects!) on a piece of wood,specially blunted to avoid damaging the vital organs,inserted through the anal passage and protruding at the mouth,they were then "staked up" still alive,along the roadways,It sometimes took days for them to die,attacked and fed off by carrion birds,An unimaginably horrific slow cruel death..The Sultan,who reinvaded in the spring,was so disgusted at the miles of impaled bodies,he said "What kind of man is this?" & turned his armies & went home!

Vlad impaled envoys,travellers his own subjects,even small birds,for his own sadistic amusment..One of history real monsters..

Ivan The Terrible (Grozny)

Ivans reign was defined by "binge" killing,paranoia,his dreaded secret police the Oprichnina,The origins of probably the first "police state" He loved & lost his first wife,Anastacia Romonova

it affected him deeply,he went into "cloisters" (confinment) for 6 months & came out quite crazy!Murdering  10000 & destroying the city of Novgorod,are among the litany of evil deeds he preformed in his lifetime,Murdering his son & Heir,( as well as his grandson the heirpresumptive..among them,murderous rage,alternating with extreme religous hysteria,defined the reign of this brutal man,it also laid the groundword for "Autoracy"

Gilles de Rais

Somewhat lesser known,but no less evil,Gilles de Rais, was a companion in arms of Joan Of Arc,& a Marshall in the French Military & depraved in a way that defies belief! He was quite simply put a childmolester & a serial killer of chikdren,maybe as many as 200,Because of his position,he managed to evade suspicion for a long time,Sodomy,murder of children of both sexes came to light at his trial abominable unspeakable acts of gross indecency were either preformed on the innocent child while alive,or in the or death throes (Which gave de Rais particular pleasure) He was deservedly hanged for his henious acts in October 1440..For sheer depravity,in the "Pathion Of Evil" there are few like him

Adolf Hitler

So much has been written about Adolf Hitler,Its almost impossible to gain a fresh aspect,to this evil man..Was he mad? or was he bad? I think some of both.In truth,Hitler was a pathetic loser for most of his early life,It was only the post WW1 turmoil in Germany,that gave this "opportunist" a chance to rise to prominance,There are "contradictions" In his early life,he loved among,& was on agreeable terms with many Jewish people in Vienna,In fact,it has been said,he may have had Jewish blood..But he learned well enough,to find a "Scapegoat" to blame for all Germanys ills at the time,Hyperinflation,unemployment,to this end he used "Blame The Jews" as a rallying point,to gain popularity,he saw how the genocide of the Armenians in WW1 went almost unnoticed,in short this "opportunist" spotted a way to exploit the people,by pandering to their basest instincts..The resulting wars,misery & mayhem..led to the deaths of up to 31 million people,inc the holocaust of 6 million Jews,handicapped people,Gipsys,Gay people,prisoners of war,other forms of the "extermination" of many people & civilians in Russia.History will and does record this evil dictator as a forerunner of systamatic mirder..Others like Stalin,& Mao.followed in his wake..only recently coming to light!

These are truly in everyday terms,all of them..The Devils Minions



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CEO Pied Piper English Writer Essayist