In the summer of 1970

Kana an eight-year-old girl from tokyo

and her parents traveled to the small

town of aya in miyazaki prefecture to

visit her grandparents.

They had a small house and a large

property which khana reveled in running

around and exploring the lush green and

overgrown countryside.

Kana's parents had left her in the care

of her grandparents as they tended to

some commitments in the city of miyazaki

itself which kana did not mind at all.

She loved the freedom of being in the

wide open spaces outdoors

and would disappear for hours into the

surrounding forest.

It was on the second day her parents

were gone that kana had her first

unfortunate encounter with hachi shakusama the eight-foot tall lady.

Kana was just inside the edge of the

forest happily collecting rocks to take back her souvenirs when she heard a disturbing sound "pull pull pull pull " It whispered

in a deep masculine voice .kinda looked

up towards the source of the sound and

froze in fear when she saw a huge woman

dressed in all white with hair as black as a raven

a cold grey face with an unsettling smile

and a huge hat that cast a shadow.

All the way down her long eight foot tall

frame . Kana and the woman locked eyes

briefly as kana tried to find her voice

to call out

but she could barely breathe let alone

make a sound

then the woman backed away and

disappeared into the dark shadows of the

forest behind her.

Kana struggling to get her legs to

work properly

ran back to the farmhouse immediately

and told her grandma.

what she had seen once kana's story had

been properly relayed and the gravity of

the situation set in her grandma's demeanor quickly became deadly serious.

she grabbed kana by the arms and

demanded to know exactly what she had

seen and heard as kano explained

her grandma began to weep the

grandmother quickly relayed what had

happened to her husband

who in shock rushed to the phone to try

and contact kana's parents they were not

at their hotel

and so a message was left with the


kana now scared and confused asked what

was going on

and why everyone seemed to be in such a


grandfather sat down and stared deep

into her eyes .

listen closely kana he started it seems

you've been chosen by hachi shakusama and unless we can protect you

she will abduct you like she did several

other children in this area Decades ago .kana was now in tears what she had just been told terrified

her yet.

she couldn't help but want to

know more

who is hachi shakusama she then asked.

her grandfather went on to explain no

one knows her origins he said

only that this eight-foot woman selects

her victims by quietly approaching them

then chanting a poor

sound before retreating within a few


that person will disappear.

she was supposedly captured by some

local monks who imprisoned her in an

old shrine by placing a jizo statue at

north south east and west points of the ruins

it appeared . However that somehow

hachi shakusama has escaped

was then taken into the most secure room

in the house the windows were boarded up

and small balls of pure salt were placed

in each corner of the room.

you must not leave this room not under

any circumstances . her grandmother

strictly instructed

never kana's voice trembled not until

your parents returned to take you home.

she replied then i'll be safe kana asked.

yes her grandmother sighed as her gaze

dropped to the floor

then you'll be safe however you can

never ever return to miyazaki.

kana began to cry so grandmother left

the room.

don't leave me she wailed her grandma

explained that she could not stay within

the room.

and for kana to be sure to lock the door

once it was closed.

night fell over the countryside and kana

alone and cold in the dimly lit room

sobbed quietly

wondering when her parents would return

to take her home.

several hours into the cold night she

heard her grandfather call out to her.

kana are you okay if you're scared

i can come in to keep you company you.

don't have to be all alone

open the door he said kind of leapt up

and moved over to the door to unlock it

but then was overcome with an icy chill

as she approached

and realized that something was wrong

her grandfather's voice was somehow different.

open up the grandfather asked again it's

safe now

kind of looked at her side and she could

see the salt in the bowl

slowly turning black as she heard the


pull pull pull

pull emanating from the other side of

the door.

she backed away into the center of the

room and cried uncontrollably

for the rest of the night

morning eventually arrived and so did

kana's parents

who quickly took her into their arms and

into their car

they exited miyazaki immediately sadly

never to return once back in tokyo.

Kana kept in touch with her

grandparents and she felt an eternal

sorrow that she would never be able to

visit them again

and that they were too elderly to travel.

This sorrow was even further amplified

when several years later

her grandfather passed away and she was

unable to attend his funeral then

just last week kana's grandmother called

to give her some terrible news

she had been diagnosed with cancer her

grandmother then asked kanna if she

would come see her one last time before

she died kana was confused but grandma

she started it's not safe it's fine.

her grandmother went on that all

happened a long time ago

you're all grown up now i'm sure it will

be fine.

are you sure kana asked.

i'm sure came the reply along with the


chilling pool.

drop the phone retreat into the corner

of the room

and relive the horrific feelings she had

felt that night

when she was in her grandparents home

alone in the dark.

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