Katherine Cateris

Katherine Cateris

Independent creative based in Sydney, Australia. Currently studying Bachelor of Science majoring in Forensic Science. Previously studied Media Communications, Screen & Media Studies and Film & Television Production. Interested in researching ancient history, renaissance history, archaeology, anthropology, occult science, esoteric philosophy, the Onassis dynasty, and forensics, especially the Taman Shud case. Loves bunnies, road trips, upcycling, art, design, Greek culture, hermeticism, unsolved mysteries, Douglas Adams, Parks & Recreation and Bones.
838 Hits - Feb 5, 2022, 7:34 PM - Katherine Cateris
Australia's Mungo National Park is one of the most significant archaeological sites in the world. The oldest human remains in Australia, and some of the oldest modern human remains outside Africa, were discovered there - and they irrevocably turned what we thought we knew about our place in the anthropological record upside down.
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