What Makes A Culture A Culture?

         There are many cultures around the world that are different and maybe a little strange for most individuals that haven't experienced it, whether it's, wearing hijabs or cutting your hair off to join the military. At my school I asked 20 people what do they think makes a culture a culture. 40% couldn't answer that question because they felt that there life has no special quality that could be considered a culture. When you really think about it a culture is kind of like a habit because you perform it everyday. Like, mumslims that pray five times a day and I gurantee that they would say that praying is a prosaic habit in there day-to-day life. So when you really think about it your morning and night routines that you perform all the time could be your culture because it is unique and its something that you do every day and night.


          Let's talk about bad cultures that people do everyday. An example of a bad culture could be spending hours and hours on a video game. This could be a bad culture because if you do it everyday its going to become a vidal thing in  your mind and your mind will keep reminding you to do it but you shouldn't because it could cause other damages, like, pain in your joints from not moving them because you are not energized or it could be from simply moving them to much because of the time you spend holding the game controller and moving buttons. My point is cultures don't always have to be good and it don't always have a good effect on you.


         To sum everything up im going to give everyone that's reading this a task and something to think about. When you think about your life and what goes on in it, do you feel that the thing you do most consistently is your culture? If not why? And if so what makes YOUR culture YOUR culture and what makes it unique and stand out from everything else you do in your life? Well I hope I gave all of my viewers something to think about and I hope this article entertained you all and motivated you to begin your own culture, something that distributes you and your actions from others. Until next time, this is Genera123 signing off.                          

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