Top 10 Healing Crystals for Beginners

Top Ten Healing Crystals for Beginners

Introduction to Crystal Healing for Beginners 

"Be the energy you want others to absorb." - A.D. Posey


There are hundreds of different types of crystals, all of which hold particular energy and power and each can be used to aid healing for a variety of issues. As mentioned, these concerns can be physical, such as stress, or spiritual, like bringing courage. Crystal treatment is a complementary and natural approach, meaning it can be used alongside conventional medicine and has no negative side effects The benefits of crystal healing are many and take place on different levels Perhaps the most commonly reported effect is the deep relaxation that occurs during a session This type of relaxation helps improve overall well-being and is particularly helpful in managing stress and anxiety It can also help relax tight muscles, which can relieve physical pain and sleep problems. On an emotional and spiritual level, crystals can help boost self-esteem, promote clarity, and instill a sense of peace and focus. Anyone can enjoy these benefits, but if you are skeptical about the process, you will naturally close your mind. Because of this, it is important to keep an open mind and not make any prejudices or assumptions. For some, crystals can also have a positive effect on their mood and happiness They are believed to bring good health, help heal, and bring greater luck, but several crystals can specifically help with this! Some people believe healing crystals work like a magic wand and that everything will be better immediately. The truth is, there is no ‘magic’ behind crystal healing. Instead, they enhance what you are already working on. They are very interactive and rely on you being actively involved in your spiritual journey. For this reason, it can be helpful to continue your work outside of crystal healing sessions. 

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client to help unblock, focus, and direct energy.

How does this work?

Crystal healing is an energy-based system This means that it is based on the belief that we are all made up of different energies and that when they become stagnant, imbalanced, or blocked it can lead to disease. The premise is that crystals help unlock, balance, and direct energy to where it is needed most, gently assisting the body to heal therapeutically. It is believed that different types of crystals have different properties and energies Therefore, simply holding and being close to these crystals is believed to affect our energies on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level.

How do you know which type of crystals to use?

Crystal healers have extensive knowledge of different stones and how they affect us and can use them in healing sessions This can be done in several ways, but the most common is for the client to lie down and place the crystals on or around them in a specific way. The type of crystals used and their location depends on what the customer is seeking assistance for This can range from physical issues like headaches or stress to more emotional or spiritual issues.

Here are 10 of my favorite Healing Crystals for Beginners (Plus, The Powerful Benefits of Each)

  1. Clear Quartz (The Master Healer) Aside from it being considered a Master Healer because of its energy master healing capacities. Clear Quartz is also widely known to help with goal achievement and protection. It is especially useful for activating the crown chakra which controls how we think about and perceives situations. When you wear Quartz jewelry or have a large stone in your home - it can aid in opening up the mind and elevating negative perspectives. This type truly makes for a great choice for your very first crystal! Mantra to use with clear quartz, “I am crystal clear on my intentions and goals.” Repeat it during meditation to strengthen the will of your purpose.
  2. Ameythst (The Sobriety Stone) Amethyst elevates the psyche, grounds the spirit, and protects against all forms of negative energy It promotes creativity, intuition, and calm. Amethyst's healing properties also include acting as a natural form of stress relief Carrying it in your pocket increases positive vibes and rids the body of toxic emotions like fear, anxiety, and anger. Amethyst jewelry can stimulate and balance the crown and brow chakras, making them ideal crystals for finding your purpose and connecting with your true self This lavender-colored crystal is also a great tool to calm the mind while meditating. Mantra to use with Amethyst, "I am deeply loved by the universe." Repeat 3x times.
  3. Rose Quartz (The Earth Mother)  This stone opens your heart to all kinds of love you need: self-love, conjugal love, friendship, romantic love, and love for humanity When a wave of compassion, happiness, and forgiveness pulses through you, this stone will help you release negative emotions. Cleopatra is said to have bathed with bits of it to take advantage of its powerful healing and rejuvenating properties. It is said that the Egyptian goddesses collected rose quartz crystals from the Nile and made face crystals for themselves to keep their faces youthful. Facial massages with rose quartz several times a week can smooth fine lines and reduce signs of aging Whether you wear rose quartz, use it as part of your beauty routine, or decorate your home with a large stone, there's no denying that this will be your best secret! Mantra to use with Rose Quartz, "I am worthy of love." Repeat 3x times.
  4. Citrine (The Prosperity Stone) **My Personal Favorite!!**  Originating from the French word citron, meaning lemon, citrines are known to attract abundance as well as boost self-esteem. This stone will help harness your individual and unique talents to create abundance. It will warm your heart and soul with confidence and clarity. Citrine also opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing negative feelings and anger, deep fears, and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires self-expression and creativity. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences. Citrine is also referred to as the merchant stone because it can help bring prosperity to business owners. Carry one in your pocket or purse to attract abundance into your life. Mantra to use with Citrine, "I always strive for happiness!" Repeat 3x times. 
  5. Hematite (The Bad Vibe BouncerThis dark gray metallic crystal is known to protect against psychic attacks and negative energy This is one of the strongest stones used for grounding. By grounding yourself, you affirm that you own your energy and feel balanced, focused, and ready to take on any task Hematite absorbs your body's negative energy and calms you down during times of stress or anxiety. When hematite touches your skin you will immediately feel the energy shift. Wear a hematite stone bracelet or keep it in your bag to feel more stable, balanced and focused. It can also help you find your unique talents and free and remove any limitations you have placed on yourself. Mantra to use with Hematite, "I am Safe. Everything is okay." Repeat 3x times.
  6. Tiger's Eye (The Confidence BuilderCarrying masculine energy, this brownstone helps us build confidence and self-belief. Promoting success will provide the willpower and motivation you need to take action to achieve success. It will help you remain calm even in hectic situations, aiding in your ability to be a successful leader. Wear a Tiger's Eye jewelry piece or carry one in your purse when you need to get out of your way. Look at the crystal and see all the lines going in different directions. It helps you remember that there are many roads to success. Be open to seeing things from another perspective because it might lead you to a pot of gold. The mantra to use with Tiger's Eye, is "I am grounded and centered." Repeat 3x times.
  7. Aquamarine (Courage & Protection) Aquamarine is a stone of enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and the ability to tune into one's emotions It has the unique ability to calm and soothe others and its owner. Aquamarine is often used with the throat chakra and can be used for verbal expression. It is often used to improve spiritual communication and clear communication blocks Aquamarine promotes letting go of old behavioral patterns that no longer serve and inhibit growth This jewel can enhance your intellectual abilities, allowing you to come up with solutions on the fly Many also use aquamarine to aid in thinking and developing logic This will infuse you with the energy of perseverance, discipline and even reduce procrastination. Aquamarine also can offer emotional relaxation. This stone will help you let go of old emotional issues, including the loss of a loved one, and move on. You will also be more willing to forgive yourself and those who have hurt you in the past. The mantra to use with Aquamarine is, "I inhale success and exhale stress." Repeat 3x times.
  8. Selenite (Mental Clarity) Named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, it is one of the very few minerals that can quickly unblock any stuck or stagnant energy to ensure a smooth flow of positive energy through your body or home space. Selenites are one of the most powerful crystals for energy clearing and energy cleansing, making them an essential tool for removing negative energy. Try placing your selenite crystals directly on your body, on areas that you want to focus your healing on to bring focused healing energy to that area. It can also be used to help battle insomnia. Place selenite under your pillow at night to help you get a restful night's sleep. Mantra to use with Selenite, "I clear my space of bad intentions and replace it with love and light" Repeat 3x times.
  9. Carnelian (The Motivator) Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage, Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history. Ancient Warriors wore Carnelian around their neck necks courage and physical power to conquer their enemies. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. It's high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. The mantra to use with Carnelian is, "I am alive, connected, and aware." Repeat 3x times. 
  10. Moonstone (Emotional Balance) A stone for "new beginnings", moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength Relieves emotional instability and stress, stabilizes emotions, and provides peace of mind. Moonstone strengthens intuition and promotes inspiration, success, and good luck in matters of love and business. Mantra to use with Moonstone,  “I am open to my destiny and have the inner strength to overcome negativity. I will find my way.”

Aside from writing articles on all types of spiritual content, self-love, crystal & holistic healing, amongst much more, I also invest time in selling a wide variety of crystals and read tarot to help guide people throughout their spiritual journeys. My goal is to assist and help anyone gain clarity in which utilizing crystals and tarot are two great tools! If you enjoyed this article - keep an eye out for my next article, "The Steps into Choosing, Cleansing & Programming your Crystals" and don't forget to follow me! 

Kindly, Michelle Loreen

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