The light of life

After five years, when a friend from college called me, she suddenly started to talk to her new wife, and it was a surprise to me that we spent time talking about business and reminiscing about the banter we shared during our college days.  An ordinary girl gets married at a young age and loses her husband in the same years and carries the name of her husband's house as an ominous burden alone.  The way this kind of light shines there can also be a stepping stone to the next step.  Yes, she has traveled and won the highway called life.  To the light of his life

Sheet should have suffered the defeat, pain and humiliation of her life. If she had done such an act as Akkapatre, she would not have been able to enjoy seeing this Sulan, right?  Some of these problems are the caste feces, the game called defeat, and the green stone of insults from relatives, friends, and unscrupulous people until they want to say that this life is enough.  A self-confident accelerator should drive like a high-speed racer, circling forward until we reach our destination.  The truth is that life gives experience in difficult times, it is not found in happy times. When the degree falls behind the backlog, when a job is found, when the girl you love gets married, when your neighbors say you have to go to work, when your father leaves you, when your relatives come home and ask you to read anything, the shame, irritation, pain that comes to any person.  It teaches life lessons.  No matter what the occasion is, no matter what the time is, I will do it, I will do it.  Rather than destiny, Gurubala, Astrology, Guruji, Timu, now is the best time for everything, if there is effort and hope, the light of life will shine.....!  Proud to be a girl

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