
Monagomy isn't for everyone, to me its conforming to societies normal. Polyamory is the practice of desire in intimate relationships with more than one partner. All partners must consent and discuss to be comfortable and honest. Healthy relationships require in depth communication. Time management skills come into play, everyone shall make time for playtime. Most poly folks aren't afraid of to settle down, its like a puzzle that could be complicated if pieces didn't fit. Non monogamy grows in younger folks. Poly can appear in many shapes and forms from an open relationship. You can identify as polyamorous but not currently in relationships. Open minded folks who practice polyamory find monogamy baffling and oppressive. Being one of many partners doesn't always mean their not commited , it just means you chose best of both worlds. I feel if you have love to give, explore more. Even though I identify as poly, I'm only with my boyfriend, whose open to the idea. Haven't ventured into it because it seems I'm picky and he's not. Also I don't understand why he tries picking our third , that's my choice I feel like it should my decision since he's just down to clown and not really being polyamorous. He says its okay and he's good as long as our third is a woman. But it seems kinda unfair. And so here we are living a monogamous life, which to me surpresses my feelings down within, feeling I'm not living my best life, my puzzle piece is missing. 

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