coconut tree review.

The botanical name of the coconut is cocos nucifera, where cocos is Spanish for "monkey face" or "creepy" and nucifera is thought to be Latin for "nut-bearing plant" (fero = I carry, nux-nucis = from a nut) .Your nut, perhaps with three germination pits, resembles the face of a monkey.Coconut palm is 'kalpab riksha' (Vriksha means tree in Malayalam) Hailed as an Indian classic, it is the all-giving tree. Its fruit is called 'Lakshmi Fal' and is used in most social and religious events in India, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, whether the palm is locally grown or not. The use of coconut throughout India makes it a symbol of national unity and perhaps our country's people or our ancestors previously migrated from coconut-growing areas. It may have been grown locally, and climate and geographic changes over time may have restricted coconut to coastal areas of the country.

The wonders of the Coconut Tree and the many products it can produce — The  Coconut Company

Characteristics of palm trees

Coconut palm is a long-lived plant. It has a single trunk, 20-30 meters high, and a smooth, gray bark characterized by ring-shaped scars left by the base of fallen leaves. The tree can live up to 100 years and yield 50-100 coconuts per year. Coconut palms are found throughout the tropics and can grow well in areas with only mild frosts. Although 90% of the world's export coconut production comes from the Asia-Pacific region, coconut products are growing as a source of income for many other developing regions.

Coconut palm is probably the most widespread palm tree in the world. Coconuts are one of the major sources of income for producing countries as they are used in the manufacture of a wide variety of products that are also used and appreciated in the West.

What Is the Average Size of a Coconut Palm Tree? | eHow

Uses of Coconut Tree and its parts

Besides drink, food and shade, coconut tree offers the possibilities of housing, thatching, hats, baskets, furniture, mats, cordage, clothing, charcoal, brooms, fans, ornaments, musical instruments, shampoo, containers, implements and oil for fuel, light, ointments, soap, and more. Its leaves are used to make baskets, roofing thatch etc., apical buds of adult plants are an excellent palm-cabbage, an alcoholic drink known as Toddy or palm wine is extracted from its sugar sap, tapped from the inflorescence by means of apposite cuttings. The tree is considered the most useful tree in the tropics because it provides everything needed to sustain life – The Kalpa Vriksha!


Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm tree, which originated in Southeast Asia, and was transported throughout the Pacific either by migrating Indonesians and Polynesians or on the drifting ocean currents.

Coconut tree Climbing BIKE..! Coconut tree Climber Machine / Coconut tree  Climbing Machine - YouTube

Coconuts are used as whole fruits or, conversely, by their parts:mesocarp fibers, milk, kernel (or flesh), husk. Its fruit, as big as a man's head and 1-2 kg in weight, is a drupe with a thin, smooth, grey-brown epicarp, a fibrous, 4-8 cm thick, mesocarp and a woody endocarp; as it is rather light, it can be carried long distances by water while keeping its germinability for a long time. Inside is a seed, rich in reserve substances in the endosperm, part liquid (coconut milk) and part solid (pulp). When his embryo germinates, his radicals pierce him through one of his three germinal pores, which are also visible from the outside.

Coconuts stay fresh for months, making them ideal for shipping worldwide and to supermarkets.

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